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Why you should use a network aggregator?

Stream - The UK's Most Connected Network

The channel is loaded with suppliers offering very similar products which makes it harder to identify where they actually differ. One of the key choices any business who wishes to sell connectivity services is whether to use a Network Operator or a Network Aggregator as their supplier.

In this blog, we explore why you should use a network aggregator.

Network Aggregator v Network Operator

First of all, let’s ensure we know what a network aggregator is and how they differ from a network operator.

A network operator has physical infrastructure in telephone exchanges and is responsible for the physical infrastructure that forms an internet connection.

A network aggregator has interconnects with multiple carriers (network operators). These interconnects give them “layer 2” access to the carrier’s network, with bandwidth passing over the aggregator’s network. An aggregator does not have any physical kit in exchanges.

Now we know the difference between the two, let’s explore why an aggregator is the only choice to make.

Because of their interconnects

Choosing the right network aggregator can help you streamline your supply chain. If you on-board with the right one, you won’t actually need any other supplier. The “right” aggregator will have interconnects with several network operators to ensure their footprint is nationwide. This has been even more crucial in the past couple of years with government funding seeing smaller suppliers install full-fibre infrastructure across the country.

A good network aggregator will have access to all the traditional national suppliers, as well as the emerging full-fibre suppliers to ensure there is not a customer in the country you cannot serve.

Because of their buying power

The more suppliers you have, the chances that you end up spreading the orders you receive between them increase. Supplier x may get your orders in London, and supplier y gets your orders in Manchester – simply because their pricing is better there. Where you are spreading orders around your buying power will quickly diminish. Your suppliers aren’t motivated to give you discounts if you aren’t hitting order thresholds.

When you use a network aggregator, you can leverage the buying power they have by having numerous partners placing multiple orders.

We are a network aggregator

Make your ordering easier

Because they streamline supplier processes so you only have to learn one

Great news – the customer you’ve been following up on for months has finally put pen to paper and placed an order. Now you have the joy of trying to figure out how to place said order with the supplier. Every network carrier has their own process so you have the task of remembering just what information you need.

With a network aggregator, you only have to learn one process, the process of how to place an order with them. This means replacing multiple portals, with just the one portal. They have the interaction and place the order with the carrier so they have the “hassle” of remembering what information is needed with whom.

Quite simply, a good network aggregator will make placing orders so much easier.

If you want to learn more about network aggregators or want to speak to us about our network, check our dedicated wholesale website by clicking here, drop us a call on 01635 884170 or send an email to partners@stream.net.uk

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