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Can’t afford a Dedicated Internet Connection.. Think again!

Stream - The UK's Most Connected Network

“We’re too small to justify the monthly outlay”

“That’s quite the jump from the £50.00 per month we’re paying now”

“How much?!”

All of the above are common explanations we hear from prospects when they decide against an Ethernet Fibre dedicated internet connection. Of course we recognise these are valid reasons and everyone’s budgets are different. However, how about I explain the business benefit using a language we all speak – money!

Using the three example answers above, I’m going to justify how it could actually be costing a small business money by not using a dedicated internet connection.

Small Business

A small business is defined as 50 or fewer employees, but for the purpose of this blog, I’m going to scale this back – our example business will have 10 members of staff.

The average wage for these employees is £10.00 per hour – we’ll use their wage as cost to the business rather than complicating by factoring in resource usage, expenses, training etc.

Each member of staff wastes an average of 30 minutes per day due to internet problems – this might be start up issues first thing in the morning, connections drops throughout the day or just general lag. Whatever the reason, it prevents them from working.

Each member of staff works 20 days per month.

Using these figures I can surmise that internet issues are costing this business £500.00 per month.
This is how I can justify that figure:

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I would not say this reasoning is exclusively for ADSL either, whilst Fibre Broadband connections may offer greater speeds, they are still liable to contention issues and standard SLA’s that won’t offer quick fixes that businesses often need.

To further my justification, a 10/100Mbs Ethernet Fibre dedicated internet connection which offers symmetrical speeds, uncontended bandwidth and 4 hour fix times have an average cost of £300.00 per month. This is £200.00 less than what your slow broadband is costing your business each month – a cost saving of £2,400 annually.

Looking back to the start of this blog…

“We’re too small to justify the monthly outlay” How are you justifying costing your business £500.00 per month?

“That’s quite the jump from the £50.00 per month we’re paying now”I think it is safe to say that broadband is actually costing you a lot more than this, in the above example it is costing 10 times as much.

“How much?!”Yes, you heard correct, we can save you how much?!

The above is for a small business of 10 employees, as the business size increases, the cost is gong to follow suit!

If the above has got you thinking and you would like to discuss how much we can save your business whilst providing better internet, please feel free to contact us here or give us a call on 01635 884170.

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